Trade Receivable

The trade is one of the most commonly practiced professions. It was in practice in eras even when the idea of multinational companies and stock exchanges was absent. The trade has let people meet their needs. It has remained in practice in different forms over the years. The history tells us that things were traded under the shade of barter ...
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To Do Weekly Planner

The planning and management are always good things whenever we are to get good results. It does not matter whether we are working at some organization or have to plan for our informal life. The planning always pays well wherever we implement it. Although it is used in commercial areas but it is equally fruitful in informal life as well. ...
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Ordinary Share Certificate

The stock exchanges have become business hubs now days. There is lots of investment and spending going on in stock exchanges now days. They sometime take precedence over many general markets by letting people invest and earn profits. The stock exchange works on the sale of shares of registered companies. The shares are being sold at certain rate and as ...
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Foreign Remittance

The money has become basic need of every entity as it helps us meet every need and want. The money is paid in the form of payments. The things of value are exchanged for money. The skillful people sell their skills while the business entities used to get their jobs done by paying these people. Similarly the products are sold ...
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Action Plan Format

The planning provides the operational bases to any business setup. It would not be an exaggeration to say that business planning is the driving force behind any business venture. It is always planning that makes it convenient for managers to make adjustments as and when they are needed. The planning not only makes employees work smoothly in organized manner but ...
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Professional Birthday Invitation

The birthday is indeed one of the best days someone ever has in life. The day is one of the really meaningful days in one?s life and no one wants to miss it in any case. This is reason why the birthdays are celebrated everyday around the world. The track ?happy birthday to you? is one of the most sung ...
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Daily Timetable

We are living in the age of science and technology where things are happening so fast that it has become really difficult to catch the time. The twenty four hours seems to pass in a blink. We are leading two kinds of life now days i.e. formal and informal. The formal life is being planned by the officials where we ...
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Invitation Letter Format

The invitations comprise of news about an upcoming event. The invitation simply means that the arranging entity wants you to join him/her in that event. The invitation letter is in fact letter of participation. This is when people are invited to participate in a certain event at a said date. The invitation letters are frequently written all the year as ...
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Sample Proposal Format

The business proposals lay down the platform for future business endeavors. It makes it easier for people to craft their strategies for future commercial activities. It provides opportunity as well as a chance to extend your arms in the market ocean. The proposals are developed in relation to different commercial endeavors. One can say that business proposals are project dependent ...
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Request Letter Format

The letters are considered as one of the most important documents in formal as well as informal life. They can be declared as heralds and are containing the herald stuff inside as well. The letters are frequently used for formal as well as informal communication. They were considered as the most vital source of communication in the past and their ...
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Resignation Letter Format

The letters are frequently used for different types of communications. They are used for formal as well as informal communication with equal ease. The advent of internet and electronic mail even could not just diminish the value of letters. The letters have remained substantial mode of communication among many people. The new technologies could only provide another medium to letters. ...
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Merit Award Certificate

There are different types of professions and different sort of achievements by different individuals belonging to those fields. There are two kinds of giving by an organization or business entity. It either awards or rewards to those individuals that bring something special into it by putting some special efforts. The rewards and awards not only motivate the individuals but also ...
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