Diet Food Journal

The busy life of modern days has made it little difficult for people to balance their diet. The diet management has clearly become a concern for many working men and women. The ever increasing pressure of office work makes it little difficult for people to take care of their diet. The diet plan just gets ignored as it becomes really ...
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Cafe Pamphlet

The cafes have become one of a necessary part of modern day life. They are just helping us in enjoying good food on the go or while we are away from our general livings. The cafes are considered as real source of excitement as it always gives a pleasant impression to stay together at some cafe. They are good for ...
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Bill of Sale

The sales and marketing is the real source of income for all those who invest for profits. The sales let them exchange things of value. The thing of value can be an item, good or may be service but for that entity who is exchanging the money is the only thing of value. There are lots of exchanges that are ...
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Ice Cream Coupon

The marketing and sales are considered as backbone of any business or commercial setup. It is hard to imagine of revenues and profits without considering the sales factor. The sales make it simple for organizations to bring things into action. It let them involve in exchange and earn the all-important money for future endeavors. The sales are promoted and there ...
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Trade Receivable

The trade is one of the most commonly practiced professions. It was in practice in eras even when the idea of multinational companies and stock exchanges was absent. The trade has let people meet their needs. It has remained in practice in different forms over the years. The history tells us that things were traded under the shade of barter ...
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To Do Weekly Planner

The planning and management are always good things whenever we are to get good results. It does not matter whether we are working at some organization or have to plan for our informal life. The planning always pays well wherever we implement it. Although it is used in commercial areas but it is equally fruitful in informal life as well. ...
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Foreign Remittance

The money has become basic need of every entity as it helps us meet every need and want. The money is paid in the form of payments. The things of value are exchanged for money. The skillful people sell their skills while the business entities used to get their jobs done by paying these people. Similarly the products are sold ...
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Daily Timetable

We are living in the age of science and technology where things are happening so fast that it has become really difficult to catch the time. The twenty four hours seems to pass in a blink. We are leading two kinds of life now days i.e. formal and informal. The formal life is being planned by the officials where we ...
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Weekly Menu Planner

The diet is a basic need of every living one but an element of deliciousness and health also gets added into it when we speak of humans. The human beings use food not only for their survival but also to meet their food habits. The food is more than just food for many humans who like to taste the tasty ...
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Stock Purchase Order

The stock exchanges are considered as the business hubs in modern day businesses. The things of value are exchanged online today and the paper has just become of real worth when we speak of worthy things. The money, bonds and shares are considered as one of the real valuable things in modern day businesses without any exaggeration. One can exchange ...
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Commercial Event Ticket

There are different sorts of events that are being held by different sort of organizations around the year. These events can be of sports, health or managerial nature. The idea or theme of an event can be different but these all events require common management tools for proper management. The event ticket is one of the main tools that are ...
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